Enhancing ID Verification with AI to Prevent Fraud

Digital ID verification is transforming the hotel check-in experience. It prevents fraud, speeds up the process, and even makes age verification a breeze. By leveraging Akia, hotels can offer a smoother, more secure, and overall better guest experience.

Stephanie P.
Stephanie P.

If you think this image is real, continue reading…

Imagine having to verify every single guest that walks through the door. This is where digital ID verification comes in, transforming what used to be a tedious process into something smooth and efficient. 

Learn more Digital ID Verification

Streamlining Hotel Check-Ins with Digital ID Verification

Checking into a hotel can sometimes feel like a chore, but it doesn't have to. With Digital ID verification, hotels can offer a seamless and secure check-in experience that guests will love. Let’s dive into how this tech can make life easier for both hoteliers and guests. 

Preventing Fraud and Unauthorized Access

One of the biggest perks of digital ID verification is preventing fraud and unauthorized access. By capturing a guest’s ID and selfie, hotels can ensure the person checking in matches the reservation. This not only protects your revenue but also adds a layer of security. Additionally, you can verify passports or driver’s licenses, and check the ID’s of accompanying guests, ensuring that everyone in the party is who they say they are. With digital check-ins, guests can verify their IDs and complete the check-in process on their mobile phones before they arrive.

Learn more Digital Check-ins

A classic scene from Home Alone 2 when Kevin McCallister managed to check in using his dad’s information. 

Automation and AI

Automated messages can remind guests to complete their ID verification before arrival. With AI and machine learning, it verifies uploaded IDs by comparing them with booking information in real-time. If a picture is too blurry, hotel staff can step in and verify it manually. While automated systems handle the bulk of ID verifications, incorporating a manual review step for flagged cases ensures thorough scrutiny. 

Battling Creative Bypass Attempts

Guests can get pretty creative, but hotels need to stay one step ahead. Since they don’t need to print a physical ID for digital check-ins, they are leveraging AI to generate fake photos. AI-generated photos are becoming more realistic, making it difficult for standard verification systems to detect fakes. These photos can trick facial recognition algorithms, posing a significant security risk. Akia can detect inconsistencies in photos. Plus, requiring guests to upload a selfie along with their ID within the photo adds an extra layer of security.



Digital ID verification is transforming the hotel check-in experience. It prevents fraud, speeds up the process, and even makes age verification a breeze. By leveraging Akia, hotels can offer a smoother, more secure, and overall better guest experience. 

Time is one the greatest asset and one of the things that [Akia] has helped us out as a property tremendously.

Stephanie P.

Performance Marketer

Time is one the greatest asset and one of the things that [Akia] has helped us out as a property tremendously.

Ethan Fishbane

Director of The Front Office, Prince Waikiki

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Stephanie P.
Stephanie P.

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